Monday, January 30, 2006


I have crushes. Which 17 (soon to be 18) year old girl doesn’t? But I am frightfully worried that something is a little wrong with me. A friend of mine suggested it a few weeks back. And after that I did some serious introspection and came up with the following list of crushes –
*Richard Gere
*Prannoy Roy
*A certain silver haired professor in our department.
*Al Pacino (as in Al Pacino as he is now….not the earlier younger version)
*Kabir Bedi
*Wasim Akram
*Rahul Bose
*John Abraham
I looked through the list carefully and found out that most (well almost everyone) of the people in the list were old men. And by old I mean really really old….men at least 30 years older than me and with white hair. That friend whom I mentioned earlier had suggested that I was a geriatrophile (I hope I have the spelling right.) A geriatrophile means that I prefer older men. And I think that my friend is right. But I do not want to be one. I want to be a normal girl who has crushes and stuff on people her own age. What if I never get attracted to people my own age? The thought is scary. Downright scary.


noob said...

Richard Gere: Superb first choice.

Prannay Roy: God knows. Who is he?
silver haired oldie:he's old...

Pacino: the older version? what are you, crazy??

kabir bedi; looks like a blasted paanwallah....


Rahul Bose: Nice...

John Abraham: Very nice!

And where the hell is Johnny Depp?? I thought he was every 17 year old girl's dream.

Must say that you have the weirdest choices I've ever seen...

March Hare said...

hah......johnny depp is nice...but then i can't force myself to have a crush on him can i? AND WHERE WERE U LIVING? MARS?u don't know PRONNOY ROY ??....NDTV..RINGS A BELL?? and for ur information i find the older version of al pacino very very hot. and kabir bedi does not look like a panwallah....if we had a panwallah half as hot in our locaality i would have been in 7th heaven...hah..

Bone said...

those are like things that pip would say. but i don't think it's all that weird. or scary even. it's just a very different thought, and needs to get used to. needs to get used to thinking of yourself like that... but if you really are, there's no running from reality, tai na? it'll never make you happy. and as usual, so-called "normal" people give it a name like a disease.

(i wonder why there isn't a disease-like name for being scarily normal? or is there?)

btw, certain silver-haired professor is adg?

Shion Guha said...

tut tut .. all you children quarrelling over crushes... by the way, pranoy roy became famous for the world this week and not for his latest stint at ndtv.

Joychaser said...

hmmm... at least u hvt fallen prey to the lolita syndrome... imagine pining away for someone , oh-i-dunno, 3?,5?(for now) yrs younger than u... though once u r in ur 20s and later, it doesnt really matter...

noob said...

sensational: Never watched NDTV in my life. Pronnoy Roy can wipe my ass as far as i care... You were right. Kabir doesn't look like a panwallah. Mad delinquent is closer to the truth. That's an euphemism actually.....

Mandy: Assuming that your comment was directed to the owner of this blog, wonder why those "normal" people haven't figured out a name for people who are forcibly wierd. I can coin a simple term- Mandy-itis.

March Hare said...

MANDY - thanks...i guess
SHION - yeah...i know that fact. but as pip didn't know who prannoy roy was in the first place, i thought that ndtv would b more familiar and thus easier to identify with. but sadly.....i was mistaken.
DIV- thanks again.
PIP -do u realise that not knowing who prannoy roy is, is not exactly something u should b proud of?? he happens to be one of the best journalists in the country and also a kind of a pioneer in the field of electronics media. and as this is my blog u r commenting on, please refrain from using such objectionable language in reference to someone i highly respect and idolise. (i am not a prude.....but 'prannoy roy can wipe my ass for all i care' is a bit too much to handle.
p.s. and i seriously think that u need your head examined if u think that kabir bedi looks like a mad delinquent.....and if HE looks like a mad delinquent then WHO looks like a normal person (let alone cute or handsome...)

Anonymous said...

hmm..looks like you`ve got quite a debate going on here..
sen, if you`re writing stuff that u want others to see, then you`ve gotta be open to criticism..

March Hare said...

yes..........but sane criticism...not criticism which doesn't make any sense.

Shion Guha said...

shut up. Its criticism anyway.

Bone said...

forcibly weird? oh, that's new! so pip does think i actually make an effort to do something. what will i do with so much luck!

March Hare said...

ANC - criticism of me....yes...criticism of someone

March Hare said...


La Figlia Che Piange said...

I agree with pipsqueak on the forcibly weird point.