Sunday, March 05, 2006

Mirror, mirror on the wall....

According to my friends ,I resemble ( at various points of time ) :-
1. A beached whale ( err...I am very short ... and I thought whales were supposed to be huge?)
2. A beached porpoise
3. A baby walrus
4. A female hanuman
5. A mouse ( Apparently I resemble Jerry's orphan nephew who used to chomp his way through tablefuls of food....well...ok...I get the point....but I can't help it if I like to eat...can I?)
6. A stray puppy
7. A teletubby ( Though that is only when I start jumping up and down on seeing a certain professor of our department...though I have to admit that I am rather fat ...just know...plump??)

p.s. Though how the same person can resemble a whale and a mouse is beyond my comprehension..... but then I always did say...if there is one thing that all my friends are blessed with, it is an active imagination...


Joychaser said...

i've been told that i resemble a vampire and a ma-yer idol and a pre-programmed china doll with programming gone woefully awry. by the same person. at diff pts of time.

verrry verrry verrrrsatile lookers, arent we?

erebus said...

see... the lesson to be learnt from this is that most of the time, most of the people don't have a clue as to what they are saying... they are just repeat stuff like that because they heard it on some sitcom and there was guffawing in the background...

fyn scarlet reed said...

Which teletubby? is the real question. The purple one is psycho.

March Hare said...

@WIZARD - ahem....

@WARPED - yes. and that same person has called me a beached porpoise. he has an active imagination....hasn't he??

@EREBUS - well...but some of these are from people who do have a clue as to what they are talking about.

@HAMLET - i frankly didn't think of asking them.

erebus said...

no no.. nobody ever has a clue... I have heard the beached whale and teletubby comments several times myself (not directed at me).... it's all recycled.. it always is.. they say it coz they think it's coooool

La Figlia Che Piange said...

Amio tellytubby and a lot of other unpleasant things. People SUCK.

erebus said...

I seriously doubt how many of these people have actuallt ever seen a tellytubby..
or a beached whale for that matter

onnesha said...

i remember people calling me a tanuja clone.lately a lot of them called me a soha ali khan lookalike.
people always have had an overworked imagination haven't they???

scorpionragz said...

Hey!! The jerry's orphan thing is the truest thing i ever said about u!!!

March Hare said...

EREBUS - whatever...
WIZARD - figure it out for urself..
SRIN - yeah...totally...
ONNESHA - a tanuja clone?? huh??
RAGZ - heh...